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Image by Josh Applegate

Liturgical Ministry

When the Church comes together in the liturgical assembly to celebrate the Mass, or any other sacrament, her members do not gather simply as a crowd, as an amorphous, undifferentiated group of people. They gather in a variety of ministries and roles. 

Overview of Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the Mass in the distribution of the consecrated Eucharist.

Sacristans assist with the Mass service in the preparation of both the altar, and the bread and wine.

Ushers conduct the collection and the offertory procession at the Mass.


Greeters welcome parishioners and hand out hymnals and copies of the weekly bulletins before the Mass begins.

Lectors read selected Scripture passages during the Mass. Lector Ministry is for anyone who is interested or has the desire to proclaim God's Word to the people assembled for Eucharistic liturgy. The readings proclaimed in the liturgy are of great value to the listening and responding assembly. In these readings, God speaks to the people, and Jesus, present in the Word, announces the Good News to the attentive listener. The persons for this ministry need to be comfortable speaking in public, willing to develop proclamation skills by training and practice, must be an active member of the parish and open to attending training sessions.

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